Fear – Is it driving you or you driving fear

Fear is a very powerful force; every day we make our decisions based on fear. Whether it is a conscious or sub-conscious decision it comes from a place of fear. Fear of losing your job and standing up for yourself and what your rights are; fear of not being able to provide for your family; fear of getting bad grades or not being ‘smart enough’ to graduate university/college.

Allowing fear to control you

When we allow fear to control our decisions it is like two magnets negative ends meeting; what happens? The magnets repel each other, when we often feel life is attacking us constantly and we seem to be ‘attracting negative situations’ we can often be fearful as a result of this pattern.

Spin around

If you spin one of the magnets so you have a positive and a negative then what happens? There is attraction and they pull together often it is a strong force! You can change your ‘position’ but you cannot change the world’s; trying to look at things differently can help you to start to drive with fear.

I am not referring to you inflicting fear into others, or making other’s fearful of you. However by changing you view you can start to see that there are more avenues to where that fear stems from, and how we can get our power back.

Overcoming fear sounds easy

This is where the leg work comes in, it’s not easy to ‘just change you view’. Similarly overcoming fear isn’t easy to ‘just lose weight’ or ‘become physically stronger’. Fear is easily used against us, governments, salespeople all use fear and when we don’t understand or try to better understand the fear we act based on what we are told.

We are always best to understand out decisions, very few do until a repercussion occurs and we don’t really know why. It’s like trying to understand why we couldn’t catch the 250kg weight that was dropped on us, our muscles weren’t ready we acted because someone told us we could do it; someone who doesn’t know you really and has no idea what you are capable of or not.

Changing your thinking

Start today to look at yourself in a mirror, try to see and understand YOUR thoughts. What do you see? Are these positive or negative views? If they are negative you need to realise your self talk is the muscles, whilst you are not exercising positivity you are still negative. Learn to love yourself, appreciate yourself; dress up so you look in the mirror and think ‘I look amazing today’.

I wrote an article Dress to Impress which elaborates a bit more on feeling confident in yourself.


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