Starting the Tri Journey

I decided to train for a triathlon, to quit smoking and to make some health improvements. This mostly was sparked by the fact I am going to be a father soon and want to maximise the quality of life as well as the length.

I began thinking I wanted to do a super sprint (enticer) or a Tri-a-tri which was a 200m Swim, 10km Bike and 2km Run. As I get training and making my observations with my fitness I turned out fitter than I originally thought. So I have thought more about it and am now thinking about just a sprint race, this would consist of 750m Swim, 20km Bike and 5km run.

I have been finding that my ride is fine, my run is ok but my swimming needs major work (no surprises there). When I was younger I swam at the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport) and was a strong swimmer. However looking at 15 odd years of age and not really swimming in that time I have had to relearn and redevelop the skills.

Currently I am able to do 6 laps of 50m and that’s about me done (I am struggling to pace), on the bike and running I am able to pace myself fine and get a comfortable pace going and hold it there.

I haven’t been on a bike for ~10 years so this was a renewed experience, building a bike which was closer to ~15 years ago for me since I built a road bike with a family friend Rob Scott.

So this was chartering new territories for me, you can follow my journey here on the blog or on instagram: @richard.model.triathlete


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