My goal is to be better than yesterday; to raise the bar for tomorrow; and to never stop improving. – Richard Marks
I have began swimming again recently, I found that I was needing to change the way I start my day and how I felt about myself and the constant feeling of being behind from the minute I woke up. I was challenged by the 5am club (I haven’t looked at anything in this regard, however the concept inspired my thinking). I struggled to get any training or me time because at night the kids often might not go to sleep until late which would impact on my departure time. So yes it took determination and planning to get up at 5am each morning (EVERY morning) and go to the pool, so I swim every weekday, then I found the pool opening times on weekends would start to move into the day and impacting the family operations. So I figured same time I am getting up and I will either cycle or run in the morning on weekends.
So far I have achieved my goal, and I think I have been going for just under a month!! I started 5am wake ups on January 15th 2024; at time of writing this article we are February 13th 2024. I have had struggle days but have had to overcome the temptation to sleep, by the realisation of how far I have come in this achievement. I had found I had many mornings of ‘time creep’ which made it so more recently I moved my wake up alarm to 4:30am to ensure I am up and moving for 5am.
I have found that since making these changes, and even on mornings I have injuries etc I will amend to STILL get up, however turn it into a mental health morning rather than fitness per say. I have found in doing this I am getting home around 7am and this is when the house is moving and the day is getting underway, I feel strong, empowered, and going to work alert and ready for almost anything! I don’t feel lagging or elements of depression which were beginning to impact my abilities prior.
I have been building on a YouTube channel and pushing thoughts out on business and leadership as these are areas of knowledge and many of my ideas empower and challenge others I thought why not spread them wide and far. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP1-KfgK92aqLzPkkAchJug
I have been working on my skills, and also recently trying to also find purpose and vision for my future. I don’t feel being tethered to a desk to be inspiring to me; I feel that will not be using my skills and knowledge to their best advantage. I also struggle to think a ‘capped salary’ to be inspiring to achieve more and be great! I feel it limits output and potential because I am the type of individual that needs inspiration and a challenge to strive and achieve.
For March I am doing a laps for life challenge – Laps for Life Sponsor & Donate – this is to help raise money for young people with mental health challenges. I have recently learnt a lot around tech impact of the social world and the changes and challenges psychologically that the generations preceding me face.
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