Consistency is key

Consistency is key

It doesn’t really matter what specifics you are looking at, managers look at consistency within their staff. Someone is consistently late; someone is consistently exceeding the goals set for them. It also applies to what you say and how this represents you, if you are always changing your view and your argument and beliefs then you are consistently unreliable. Yes, we all do ‘drop the ball’ time to time and that is acceptable we make mistakes. However if you are consistently costing time and money to others will they want to have you in their corner; generally not.

If you are seeking a team for a project, what do you look for in your team members? Are you looking for people who are consistently working hard, knowledgeable, willing to admit they might need some help with a task. If you are always making up some excuse to why something isn’t your fault, do you want that person in your team? Deadlines are missed; nobody owns it and takes responsibility. Why is that?

The past is in the past, you can’t change the outcome or what happened. You can learn from the issue and next time hopefully not repeat it. Companies like this, problems always occur; they want to know someone has taken responsibility and has learnt to try prevent it again. People look around their office and wonder why ‘Mike’ is always getting the promotions and the opportunities; have you observed his consistency? Does he always turn up on time or early for work, does he stay back until the task is completed? Not just coming in early and putting the effort because the big boss is in town and watching, when you go to an interview you ‘sell yourself’. By that you are presenting yourself, they cannot yet see you consistencies; which is why they like to call references and previous employers.

It’s what’s not said

When you have your performance reviews or a meeting with your direct supervisor, start to read between the lines. What has not been addressed? My management experience has taught me through others, to address one negative issue/problem you as the manager need to find 3 positives. If you are trying to address a consistency issue you need to be gentle but firm. Background can be helpful to why they are constantly doing the same things, often they are oblivious to it; make sure you are covering the impact to the team or company with it. Say someone is constantly breathing too loud, that’s a little tedious to expect them to change something like that. When you are addressing something like that you could find a more isolated location which will not distract others with their breathing, but when you sell it pitch that they are getting a better work space (use your salesperson within to make them think they are getting rewarded).

If you look at yourself and think I do nothing that is constantly good or bad, I challenge you to talk to a mentor, friend or partner and find out from them. Also make sure they are welcoming true honesty and allow them to be brutal, if you don’t get the truth you can’t look for ways to debug your attributes which cause people frustration.