Author: admin
Great Cycle Challenge 2018
So it has been a while since I last posted, many changes have occurred in my life! Becoming a father getting into a stable job and having some routine to my training I have taken on a number of challenges and am still yet to complete my first triathlon!! In September I participated in the…
Starting the Tri Journey
I decided to train for a triathlon, to quit smoking and to make some health improvements. This mostly was sparked by the fact I am going to be a father soon and want to maximise the quality of life as well as the length. I began thinking I wanted to do a super sprint (enticer)…
Row, Row, Row – Are you going where you want?
I want to look at rowing today; cross compare a rowing team with life. In a rowing team it can have many different formats, in this we will be looking at a team with a coxswain (pronounced cox’n). If you aren’t familiar with the role of a coxswain they are the one responsible for the…
Mentoring – How is it done?
There are many different ways mentoring can be done; there is a formal and informal way; and most people have multiple mentors. You will likely already have informal mentors in your circle; they are often people we socialize with, they want to see us do well with our life, health, family, etc. Most people don’t…
Change – Are you holding back?
Change can be daunting for us; change brings elements of fear. So why do many of us live a life which we are not happy with, but don’t act on changing it? Often it is a matter of working out what ‘your perfect life looks like’; then work out what you need to do to…
Gift – Have you opened yours yet?
When you observe at Christmas, or a child’s birthday; we watch as they unwrap their gift, they then sit and play with the wrapping paper. Oblivious to the gift which was inside that wrapping; are you stuck looking at the pretty paper, enjoying and playing with the wrapping? All of us got gifts Whether you…
Fear – Is it driving you or you driving fear
Fear is a very powerful force; every day we make our decisions based on fear. Whether it is a conscious or sub-conscious decision it comes from a place of fear. Fear of losing your job and standing up for yourself and what your rights are; fear of not being able to provide for your family;…
Attitude – It is all a perspective
Do you ever think about how you are perceived by others? Does it concern you? Do you get a negative vibe often from different people? Many of us don’t look at how we appear to others, I am not trying to tell you to change and be like everyone else. If we look at how…
Management – It is like a family
As a manager looking at your team as your family can often help you to find achievement in your team; being the manager is like the parent, you need to learn the needs of your ‘children’. It is not said or framed in a way I am belittling your team members, instead you need to…
Growth – Are You Employee of the Month
Often growth is what we should be looking for in any job; however unfortunately many managers want a staff member to be skilled and ready to go. If you cannot find anything to grow towards you will often find a job becomes repetitive and you will likely grow bored of the work and seek more.…