Author: admin

  • Knowing Your Worth

    Knowing Your Worth

    I have met many people who either over price or under-price themselves. Problem becomes they find getting a job challenging, regardless of which way they go. I have found a few tools online which can help you gauge ‘market value’ for the position you are going for. It generally gives a minimum maximum and a…

  • Transforming Aggression to Assertion

    Transforming Aggression to Assertion

    Understanding the fundamental difference between aggression and assertion is important especially as a manager, but critical to being a human. Aggression – (psychol) a hostile or destructive mental attitude or behaviour Assertion -> asserting – to state with assurance, confidence, or force; affirm; aver: Being assertive is firm, often will come from a place of confidence; knowing you are correct and standing firm to that belief. Aggressive is often from a…

  • Has business evolved?

    Has business evolved?

    The world of business has evolved so much and very rapidly. With the boom of IT and the ease of a worldwide market has our business improved with the evolution? Learning to use new tools and implementing better processes; instead of being like a caveman still using barbaric tools to do intense labour work. In…

  • Why are the crumbs left?

    Why are the crumbs left?

    When we work in a team, often we see all the best ‘biscuits’ get taken. Sometimes the mangled ones are left and sometimes it’s just the broken pieces. I am not referring to the food as such; I am referring to the team workload or tasks. It’s like the packet of ‘Family Favourites’ it has…

  • Consistency is key

    Consistency is key

    Consistency is key It doesn’t really matter what specifics you are looking at, managers look at consistency within their staff. Someone is consistently late; someone is consistently exceeding the goals set for them. It also applies to what you say and how this represents you, if you are always changing your view and your argument…

  • The Pay-off

    The Pay-off

    In every decision we made each day, there are pay-offs. Ramifications for the choices we make. They can be direct or in-direct and can impact both our personal and professional lives. Choosing whether to take a new job offer, can come with benefits, however very little do we really think about the pay-offs. The new…

  • An old dog, new tricks

    An old dog, new tricks

    We are all familiar with the phrase “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, but is this really true? Or do we use this as an excuse to avoid learning? We want to stay in our comfort zone, because exactly that; it’s comfortable. With an always growing world and technology is changing the way…

  • Dress to Impress

    Dress to Impress

    Often people will dress to be comfortable, this is important and I thought to deal with this first will set the pace for the rest. Being comfortable is important, and so is being unique. Each day we meet new people, and they will make a judgement of us at our first encounter. You get that…

  • Importance of Communication

    Importance of Communication

    Many companies have different methods of communication, some are great others are not so. The key is to keep all parties in “the loop”, often management knows what is happening and almost forget that their staff weren’t in the meeting these things were discussed in. A good form of communication is email distribution lists, management…

  • Sport of Business

    Sport of Business

    Is there a possibility that business is a sport, each company is a team? Each industry is like a different sport, football, soccer, hockey, etc. Each industry has rules as such and ‘best business practices’, as each team has a different strategy and a different outcome and goal. The management decides the players they want,…