Category: Mentoring
Row, Row, Row – Are you going where you want?
I want to look at rowing today; cross compare a rowing team with life. In a rowing team it can have many different formats, in this we will be looking at a team with a coxswain (pronounced cox’n). If you aren’t familiar with the role of a coxswain they are the one responsible for the…
Mentoring – How is it done?
There are many different ways mentoring can be done; there is a formal and informal way; and most people have multiple mentors. You will likely already have informal mentors in your circle; they are often people we socialize with, they want to see us do well with our life, health, family, etc. Most people don’t…
Change – Are you holding back?
Change can be daunting for us; change brings elements of fear. So why do many of us live a life which we are not happy with, but don’t act on changing it? Often it is a matter of working out what ‘your perfect life looks like’; then work out what you need to do to…
Gift – Have you opened yours yet?
When you observe at Christmas, or a child’s birthday; we watch as they unwrap their gift, they then sit and play with the wrapping paper. Oblivious to the gift which was inside that wrapping; are you stuck looking at the pretty paper, enjoying and playing with the wrapping? All of us got gifts Whether you…
Fear – Is it driving you or you driving fear
Fear is a very powerful force; every day we make our decisions based on fear. Whether it is a conscious or sub-conscious decision it comes from a place of fear. Fear of losing your job and standing up for yourself and what your rights are; fear of not being able to provide for your family;…
Attitude – It is all a perspective
Do you ever think about how you are perceived by others? Does it concern you? Do you get a negative vibe often from different people? Many of us don’t look at how we appear to others, I am not trying to tell you to change and be like everyone else. If we look at how…
Growth – Are You Employee of the Month
Often growth is what we should be looking for in any job; however unfortunately many managers want a staff member to be skilled and ready to go. If you cannot find anything to grow towards you will often find a job becomes repetitive and you will likely grow bored of the work and seek more.…
Mentoring – Know what you can offer
It is important when you decide you are going to be a mentor to someone; that you understand what it is you have to offer the individual. It is critical to also understand what they want you to help them with; many mentors will in their first ‘meet’ discuss what the focus will be. Another…
Mentoring in the Workplace
The importance of mentoring and developing your skill goes all the way to the top of any company, when we look at Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and the like, they have mentors themselves. Mentoring is like training, we are always learning new things every day, so why do most of us not have mentors? All…