Often growth is what we should be looking for in any job; however unfortunately many managers want a staff member to be skilled and ready to go. If you cannot find anything to grow towards you will often find a job becomes repetitive and you will likely grow bored of the work and seek more. Thus you will seek more, a higher position or a job elsewhere; if you are always keen to learn new skills this should be a key element.
When personal growth no longer works…
We will often find inside every company they will often seek a senior person someone with the knowledge and skills to fill a role. This is the exception to the rule; you do need an expert every now and then.
Often you will find new blood, with a good development strategy will create your teams stronger; since with senior people they come with their ‘baggage’ which can be methods which don’t work in your team or company model.
How can it be overcome?
It’s not the end of your time there if you are feeling repetition setting in; you need to look for opportunities to further upskill or challenge yourself. This can vary depending on your goal and what you want, but you can often talk to your manager about options to act in their absence.
You can always look for areas which your team could grow and with your manager work out how you might be able to skill-up in that area for the company.
Knowing your direction
As long as you have a rough plan, which can change overtime (I know mine has); you should align your decisions and moves to line up with the overall plan you have for your career. I talk about this a bit more in my article: Knowing Your Worth
Having a road-map which has a goal job you want to achieve; don’t put timeframes on it, allow that to be a variable. You want your decisions to always be moving you towards that end goal/place; it can develop as you try new jobs and learn what aspects you like etc.
Perfection cannot be reached….
Perfection is in the eye of the beholder; same as being a success; everyone views success in their own way, same with perfection. You can become the perfect person for whatever you want with the right training, mentoring and self-motivation to achieve it.
Achieving employee of the month??
Often managers will enjoy when their staff have ambition to find solutions to the company’s problems; often they might not know of the problem until you have mentioned it. ‘Seek and you will find’ applies here, if you seek ways to stand out (in a good way) and you are showing initiative.
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