When you first are preparing for an interview what do you do? What processes are you thinking about? You need to clear your mind; be free. Always best to work out in advance the outfit you feel confident in, do some basic research into the company, and possibly look at the people interviewing you on LinkedIn so you can see their history too.
Being Yourself
Don’t pretend at all, best to be confident and comfortable with yourself and what you are offering their company. It’s a sales meeting really, you are selling your skills and abilities to their company. At first it is a ‘trial period’ (probation) but if they like the product they can continue the agreement.
I’ve discussed in previous posts about dressing to impress and making sure you are comfortable but that the image that is portrayed will speak loud to the interviewers, however by being overly dressed which makes you uncomfortable will work just as bad.
All about research
You want to know about the role as best you can, and draw from your skills and abilities as well as your experience. You want to be short and memorable but give them a glimpse or a taste of what you can offer.
Knowing your worth I spoke about previously and it is important to work out prior to your interview what you are willing to do. This one is forgotten many times, and people end up being ‘blindsided’ and it’s harder to negotiate later on.
How desperate are you?
Realise you are walking into a room with ‘wolves’ they will often smell fear, desperation or any other weakness. It is not a bad thing but is something you need to own; reduce your fears, understand your weaknesses. Everyone has them and it’s just a part of life.
Try to deal prior with all the negative outcomes, I know friends who will want to sum up every possible outcome; this is not productive. Look at the key points, they say “no”. Find out why it was a no, use your negatives and make them positive; many companies will give feedback if asked for, and it could help you next time to be stronger.
What to say….
Biggest mistake is saying what they want to hear, reword alter mix things up. If you are working off the ‘selection criteria’ and are just repeating back to them what they want, how is that you personalising and customising it? Go a step further and branch out, use your passion be alive for them and be unique.
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