What are your best attributes; maybe it’s your way of analytical thinking; or the different view you tend to see things from in discussion. Whatever it is you need to find that thing that you are passionate about; work out this ‘advantage to be able to sell yourself; your key attribute sets you apart will help you to work out ‘your brand’. This word brand has become quite common especially with the rise of social media and interactions with people all over the world. Today we have more exposure and we have such a large audience that whatever your attributes are you will find a group of people who are interested in your offerings.
Learning about your passion, something you love so much; it could be an aspect of your current job (meeting new people, scheduling in work, or anything really). Once you understand the things that you get excited over, you can further understand your brand; you could look for a job which does more of what you like and less of the ‘other tasks’.
Benefits to Companies
When companies are hiring they look for passionate and energetic individuals who they can see doing well for their company; if you are doing well for the company and so are all their other staff in their respective fields the company overall does well.
This is where your interview is the platform to express your passion for certain tasks, let your light shine and them see ‘woah, this person would be unstoppable doing that’.
Sometimes your passion doesn’t work in a traditional sense, and you might find joy and happiness being your own boss. This option often will bring a number of additional elements which you might not be so interested in; bookwork, finances, taxes, advertising, networking, and building up clientele.
Working out what your overall end-point is, many will start a small business whilst they have a job working for the boss; then when they have work flowing they will leave their job and work for themselves. This is a clever way to do things, because you lower the stress for getting clients now because your bills are piling up and you have no income anymore.
You only get one life
Often we forget you only live once, this life is what you have; I often think about my choices and what I am doing today; whether I will be happy with it in the long run. It’s an answer only you can give; sitting in a retirement home as a 80-90 year old by yourself (that’s the only certainty we have). Will you be satisfied or do you feel you will wish you had done something different?
The whole package
Combine this post with my Dress to Impress and Knowing Your Worth you can work out your Pay-Offs and complete your package.
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