Great Cycle Challenge 2019

In my 2018 GCC Jersey

I have chosen to do the Great Cycle Challenge again this year. Last year I went hard with my Goulburn and back ride which put me out of action for a few weeks.

This year I am hoping to achieve more kilometers and raise more for Kids with Cancer, it’s a cause which I can appreciate and see the impact to the families and the kids who are battling cancer and not out playing sport or having fun with their friends, instead they are couped up in a hospital bed.

I see that parents also battle the need to earn money to pay for treatment and accommodation as well as the other expenses involved and wanting to be there to support their kids and partner whilst they go through the process. By raising funds it is a small way we can speed up the medical research and try to get kids back to being kids.

2019 I am aiming for 700kms and raising $2,000 for Kids with Cancer. You can sponsor me at:


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