For my first Triathlon, I signed up for a Sprint distance (750 m swim, 20 km ride, 5 km run). I knew my swim should take approximately 20 mins to complete. I was feeling good, and ready for a good race.

I did the swim and in the rough time I was expecting. Entering transition was glad the swim was now done, and ready for the bike. I knew I dropped back in my group and even had a few from the next two waves pass me in the water.
I got going on the bike, and was feeling strong. I could really only taste salty water in my mouth, lips and up my nose. Trying to pump myself with some Electrolytes to help my muscles fire.

I got out on the bike and was making passes of other riders, go to the turn around and heading back saw there was another U-Turn (knowing I hadn’t done a turn around) and also my Garmin was saying I had only done 10 I turned around and headed back out on the bike course.
I was informed en-route by officials I was at the back of the pack, of which I was surprised how I could have been THAT far back; however I just peddled harder and pushed on through. I did my second turn around and heading back in saw another rider still on the course (thinking well I am not last then).

I made my way back in, got to Transition 2 and onto the 5km run. I was pleasantly surprised when my dad appeared and started to run beside me. At this stage I was still feeling good, I knew I had the 5km run down and that was going to be easy.
I crossed over the finish line and was baffled how I got smashed on the course (also with my hopes of bigger distances and maybe I under estimated my abilities). Feeling pissed that this course had crushed me; we packed up and headed off to Sydney.
En-route I was looking at my stats and times and everything wasn’t adding up, my biking was very strong. My swim was stable, so why did it all fall apart. I had a friend then comment on my Strava bike leg trying to work out why I did 40kms (that’s not a sprint).

It was then that I realised, I had now done 750 m swim, 40 km ride, 5 km run. Which I was still feeling good, so maybe a Standard distance isn’t out of reach for me. However, I placed 210 out of 211. As for the other guy out on the bike course with me, I am not sure if he was just following me as I rode with such confidence or what.
I have since changed my Garmin settings and hopefully won’t make the same mistake again! Overall I was impressed with my results ONCE I understood what happened.

Swim 750m – 20:40
Transition 1 – 2:57
Ride 20km (40km) – 1:27:02
Transition 2 – 2:10
Run 5km – 30:18
Overall – 2:23:10
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