Tag: experience

  • Mentoring – Know what you can offer

    Mentoring – Know what you can offer

    It is important when you decide you are going to be a mentor to someone; that you understand what it is you have to offer the individual. It is critical to also understand what they want you to help them with; many mentors will in their first ‘meet’ discuss what the focus will be. Another…

  • Management Series – Value and Importance of Staff

    Management Series – Value and Importance of Staff

    Understanding each individual that makes up your team is critical to your team’s overall success; realising their value and importance as a ‘part of your big picture’; you don’t have to be best friends or even friends with your staff (sometimes the saying ‘don’t work with friends’ is there for a reason). Learning what drives…

  • An old dog, new tricks

    An old dog, new tricks

    We are all familiar with the phrase “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, but is this really true? Or do we use this as an excuse to avoid learning? We want to stay in our comfort zone, because exactly that; it’s comfortable. With an always growing world and technology is changing the way…