Tag: Improvement
Splash Back
I have began swimming again recently, I found that I was needing to change the way I start my day and how I felt about myself and the constant feeling of being behind from the minute I woke up. I was challenged by the 5am club (I haven’t looked at anything in this regard, however…
Mentoring – How is it done?
There are many different ways mentoring can be done; there is a formal and informal way; and most people have multiple mentors. You will likely already have informal mentors in your circle; they are often people we socialize with, they want to see us do well with our life, health, family, etc. Most people don’t…
Mentoring – Know what you can offer
It is important when you decide you are going to be a mentor to someone; that you understand what it is you have to offer the individual. It is critical to also understand what they want you to help them with; many mentors will in their first ‘meet’ discuss what the focus will be. Another…
Picture Frame: Are you getting the Answers you seek?
When you feel you aren’t getting the answers you like to your question; look at how you are framing your question. Often we feel we don’t make progress and get the expected outcome; when really our question is being answered; we are more often not phrasing or asking the question we mean to. Not just…
Consistency is key
Consistency is key It doesn’t really matter what specifics you are looking at, managers look at consistency within their staff. Someone is consistently late; someone is consistently exceeding the goals set for them. It also applies to what you say and how this represents you, if you are always changing your view and your argument…
Importance of Communication
Many companies have different methods of communication, some are great others are not so. The key is to keep all parties in “the loop”, often management knows what is happening and almost forget that their staff weren’t in the meeting these things were discussed in. A good form of communication is email distribution lists, management…