Tag: team
Attitude – It is all a perspective
Do you ever think about how you are perceived by others? Does it concern you? Do you get a negative vibe often from different people? Many of us don’t look at how we appear to others, I am not trying to tell you to change and be like everyone else. If we look at how…
Management – It is like a family
As a manager looking at your team as your family can often help you to find achievement in your team; being the manager is like the parent, you need to learn the needs of your ‘children’. It is not said or framed in a way I am belittling your team members, instead you need to…
Picture Frame: Are you getting the Answers you seek?
When you feel you aren’t getting the answers you like to your question; look at how you are framing your question. Often we feel we don’t make progress and get the expected outcome; when really our question is being answered; we are more often not phrasing or asking the question we mean to. Not just…
Mentoring in the Workplace
The importance of mentoring and developing your skill goes all the way to the top of any company, when we look at Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and the like, they have mentors themselves. Mentoring is like training, we are always learning new things every day, so why do most of us not have mentors? All…
Peer to Peer Training
Why does it not work? Most of us played ‘Chinese Whispers’ growing up, this is part of the problem to do with Peer to Peer training. As a company your methods and procedures become hazed and washed by the fact there is no longer a structure and standard in place; this then creates issues in…