Training and Development, when mentioned what comes to mind? A child at school? A new staff member to the company? A new member of a club or sporting team? The reality is life never stops teaching us, so why is it we don’t continually Professionally Develop? Our companies claim to provide training and development, but for many this stops after about a month after we start.
Often companies feel 2 ways about training, and it is often enforced by management. Either “don’t invest in the staff because they will leave anyway” or “investing in our staff makes our company stronger, and our staff feel more valued and appreciated”. Which one do you hear/feel your boss motioning towards?
As staff when we feel supported and encouraged we perform better: travel with me to a football or sporting game, people/supporters on the sidelines paying money to watch the team play. Imagine for a second it’s an empty stadium, maybe even the coach is not really ‘there’ he is busy thinking about his home life or a holiday. How well will the team play?
Converting to business
So why are we not realising that our supporters in business are stakeholders, investors, and the like. They want to see us win, THEY EVEN PAY to watch. We have our colleagues/team mates, with the game play as per our Manager/Coach. Really when we put it in this area not once have I heard a coach say ‘”we wont buy any new training equipment for our team, they will just go play for another club anyway”.
If anything I see headlines where companies are OVER investing in their staff, they want the best performers in the best position to give them every advantage. Now why is it many companies today provide the promotions and advancements to staff who have ‘been around a long time’ rather then looking at what they can bring to the company and realise if they don’t have what you are looking for then don’t hire/promote them.
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